Monday, April 27, 2020

Rousseau Analysis free essay sample

The Social Contract In ancient times all men lived in a state of nature until hardships and the necessity to form a civil society between one another became eminent. Jean Jacques Rousseau’s â€Å"The Social Contract,† analyses the steps and reasoning behind this transition. In Rousseau’s work he focuses on several key terms in order to define this transition clearly, they include: state of nature, social contract, civil society, general will, and the sovereign. It would be impossible to define the latter terms without first analyzing Rousseau’s definition of state of nature. This has to do with the fact that none of the terms have relevance without the existence of the state of nature. According to Rousseau, the state of nature is when there is no outside force influencing an individual’s decisions. It is here that a person can truly be called an individual. A good example of this definition is when a caveman lives alone and does what he pleases, when he pleases. We will write a custom essay sample on Rousseau Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He is in no way tied down to any social restrictions. A civil society is the contrasting state of being where two or more individuals unite for the betterment of themselves and the group. This is done so by implementing rules, laws and regulations, and social restrictions. Because of this, a justice system is implemented to regulate the accepted norms of the society. To build upon the cavemen reference, a civil society is when the aforementioned cavemen have developed to the point where they rely on each other through a basis of civil norms and laws As Rousseau describes it, â€Å"‘Each of us puts his person and all his power in common under the supreme direction of the general will, and, in our corporate capacity, we receive each member as an indivisible part of the whole. † To establish movement between the state of civil society and the state of nature, individuals must form an understanding between each other. This understanding can be based on an array of different arrangements that can be considered a social contract which involve the gain and loss of ones own primal desire. To refer back to the cavemen example, a civil society is when two cavemen f orm an agreement to assist each other in previously unsociable activities, such as a verbal agreement to fight off a common threat or an economic agreement of trade, but in turn, losing a part of their individuality by leaving the state of nature. These social contracts between individuals are the foundations of our modern societies which include the general will and the sovereign. Though the civil society and social contract do exist in today’s society, Rousseau’s state of nature could never be in existence. In reality, it is impossible to have ever been in a state of nature. This is supported by Rousseau’s idea that at birth, one is born into a society called â€Å"family. † This society is eventually dissolved but children eventually build a social contract with individuals as they grow up and mature. Furthermore, this supports the fact that social contracts and civil societies do exist, even when the state of nature never did. Each day, this is immanent when one forms social bounds with the people around them. Rousseau’s ideas developed from his time period and his life. He was writing this essay during the French Revolution which is in itself a perfect example of the destruction of a social contract between a society and its king and turning into a social contract of the general will of the population to form a new society. Though our time period may be different then those of Rousseau’s, his message will still have a lasting impression on today’s society. Rousseau’s lasting message in, â€Å"The Social Contract,† is not to wane away from social contracts, but rather to analyze what you lose as an individual with each contract you sign. Rousseau firmly states this when he says: â€Å"Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains. One thinks himself the master of others, and still remains a greater slave then they. †

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