Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The University Of Alabama Faculty Jazz - 887 Words

The University of Alabama Faculty Jazz Band along with guest player, Bill Peterson the jazz pianist, made up a chamber ensemble and performed beautiful and upbeat jazz music. The faculty members include Tom Wolfe, the guitarist, Chris Kozak, the bass player, and Mark Lanter, the drummer. The entire concert was played in a major key and had nothing but positive energy. The pieces and players were extremely creative and they managed to tell a story and create beautiful imageries through the changing sounds, rhythms, melodies, keys and texture. The first part of the jazz concert had three sections. The first section began subito (abruptly) with everyone playing in sync and the guitarist as the main player. He played with a vivacious tempo,†¦show more content†¦As we moved further along, the bass player, Chris Kozak took over. He slowly emerges from the silence as he carefully tapped the cymbals. The dynamic remained piano as the tempo gradually gets faster (accelerando). This heightened the tension before they all began to play together at 12:26 and returned to the initial mezzo forte dynamic of the piece. Towards the end, a characteristic of African music was highlighted where they performed a series of call and response. It was thrilling to hear this. My favorite part of the concert was the second part. The group played a song called â€Å"Body and Soul.† The guitarist played slowly before the others joined. They created a relaxed atmosphere with an old-school effect. All the notes were legato except the melodies of the drum which was staccato. The combination added character to the piece and made it entertaining. At 19:00, the pianist played briskly but beautifully, then the guitarist did the same. The notes became high pitched and the tempo and dynamics increased. After the guitar stopped, everything went into decrescendo and the melodies from the bass and drums became choppy (staccato). Overall the piece surrounded the theme of dependence and how it affects one’s happiness or strength. The piano and the guitar brought the happy aspect to the piece and without it, everything weakened and became uncoordinated. Initially it celebrated peace,Show MoreRelatedHuntingdon College. Huntingdon College Has A Tiny Campus1017 Words   |  5 Pagesthree acres in a pleasant neighborhood of Montgomery, Alabama. The campus is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Around 1,100 students attend the traditional day and adult evening degree completion programs. Students from almost every county in the state attend Huntingdon College. Huntingdon College is consistently listed among the top best colleges in the region. They are a member of the Tree Campus USA program. The student to faculty ratio is 14 to one and the average class size isRead MoreLangston Hughes Research Paper25309 Words   |  102 Pagesmarried Charles Langston, the son of a white plantation owner and a slave. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Post-Impressionism and Van Gogh The Incomparable...

Visual opulence, creativity, inimitable vision, and a style that is highly influential are the many characteristics of an admired movement in art history called Post-Impressionism (1875-1892). This movement, which was the by-product of the Impressionism movement, is the bridging gap between the two movements known as Realism and Expressionism. Post-Impressionism takes on some of the stylistic characteristics of these movements; however, it does not contain the all too glossy visuals of Realism or the heavily fantastic visuals of Expressionism, rather it is the intermediary of these two poles. My paper will discuss why this link was absolutely essential to the history of art movements, and I will be specifically using the artworks of†¦show more content†¦Nonetheless, over time, it became universally lauded as one of the seminal movements in art history. According to David W. Galenson and Bruce A. Weinberg in their article, Creating Modern Art: The Changing Careers of Painters in France from Impressionism to Cubism, the goal of the Post-Impressionism artists was to symbolize, rather than describe nature. Therefore, this in turn, allowed them to use more innovating techniques to express their emotions rather than just being an observer. Gauguin and van Gogh were particularly zealous about using their emotional state to convey the content and symbolism of their paintings. A quote taken directly from Galenson’s and Weinberg’s article perfectly describes this attitude of emotion, rather than observation, as the key artistic foundation for Post-Impressionistic artists: â€Å"Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin drew their inspiration from emotions. Van Gogh declared that instead of trying to reproduce what I have before my eyes I use color more arbitrarily in order to express myself forcibly, whereas Gauguin advised a fellow painter: Go on working, freely and furiously, you will make progress.... A strong emotion can be translated immediately† (Maurice Malingue, qtd. in Galenson and Weinberg_2). Consequently, this notion of an imposing vision creates the truly compelling, haunting artworks of Post-Impressionism; particularly in the works of the artist, who needs no

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Convocation Better and Dr. Wilson Free Essays

Convocation 2012 Response Paper Quam Onigbanjo As students poured inside of the auditorium, and the Morgan State alumni and faculty made their entrance, the first convocation of the 2012 school year began. The air was filled with peaceful music from the choir, as well as buzz of noise from the crowd. The aisles and staircases were packed with students trying to get seated near their friends. We will write a custom essay sample on Convocation: Better and Dr. Wilson or any similar topic only for you Order Now After most of the students were situated and the choir stopped singing, Dr. David Wilson began his introductory speech. Dr. Wilson began with greeting the new and or returning students and faculty. Then, Wilson starts to get into the depth of his speech by talking about how Morgan can, and is expanding into a generally better place. Wilson speaks of the newly built CBETS Building and about plans to build the Earl G. Graves business building. Wilson also talks about starting to improve the Jenkins building and softball fields. As Dr. Wilson spoke about the physical improvements that are planned for the campus, an aura of excitement came about the crowd. The part that seemed to excite the crowd the most was the announcement of the demolition of Montebello and the Soper library in order to create a new building that would take over Montebello’s duties. A general sense of pride filled the auditorium. The idea that Morgan was on its way to obtaining a better campus pleased everyone. As, a small HBCU in the middle of Baltimore city, Morgan’s campus does not compare to that of UMD College Park, which many students at Morgan would prefer to go to. However, it is clear that as Morgan is expanding into an even more beautiful campus, students and staff will be more confident in their school and will be encouraged to represent Morgan with some pride. As, the president continued his speech, the auditorium remained quiet with all eyes focused on him. Dr. Wilson then started talking about respect and conduct. This topic was guareanteed to come up as Morgan has been in the news is the past weeks due to a shooting in the student center. Dr. Wilson made a general message that was meant for everyone when he says to â€Å"respect yourself with the highest dignity and don’t accept things that go against who you are†, implying that you should have respect for yourself and one another in order to create a better environment for everyone. Due to the events in the past few weeks, Morgan’s name has been in the news for very bad reasons. These reasons were due to students at Morgan involved in murder and cannibalism, as well as stabbings and shootings. Although these events show a negative image to the outside world about Morgan State University, it is understood that Morgan is a school that is advancing and on its way to being a prestigious college. As a closing remark, Dr. Wilson wanted his staff and students to know that everyone should conduct themselves in the highest manner. This is to ensure that unfortunate events such as the ones that have occurred in the recent past do not occur again and that we as a university can restore our name contrary to what media portrays us. He closes his speech with encouraging his audience to find a deep respect for knowledge, learning, and education, as these should be the primary goals of any institution. After the choir sang the Alma Matter, a sense of inspiration seemed to have spread through the room as people were exiting the auditorium. The President has sent his message for the 2012 school year, which was to make Morgan a better place together. How to cite Convocation: Better and Dr. Wilson, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

To Teach Others Essay Research Paper In free essay sample

To Teach Others Essay, Research Paper In life, it is really of import to assist and learn others in any manner possible. During my past four old ages in high school, I have used my endowments and abilities in order to assist benefit others and better my community. Since childhood, I have ever been really originative and artistic in all of my enterprises # 8212 ; both academic and extra-curricular. In add-on, I have ever been a really enthusiastic pupil and hold had a strong involvement and desire to assist learn other people. As I have grown older and more mature, I have begun to recognize the value and significance of assisting others and lending to my environing community. Furthermore, I have recognized that the best manner to assist others is by making something that I personally have an involvement and strong ability in. By affecting myself in worthwhile voluntary and community activities, I can farther develop my involvements and endowments while functioning others. We will write a custom essay sample on To Teach Others Essay Research Paper In or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One of my most alone voluntary activities was painting wall paintings on the schoolroom walls of a local simple school. The South Plainfield Riley School summer painting undertaking took topographic point during the summer of? 94 and was a fantastic experience for all who participated. Originally, I was offered a place to paint in the school as a summer occupation, in which I would be paid on an hourly footing by the South Plainfield Board of Education. Due to prior misinterpretations and miscommunication on behalf of decision makers, I was so informed that I could no longer be paid to take portion in the picture undertaking. Unable to fid summer employment, I decided to volunteer my artistic abilities and assist pigment in the school anyhow. I had my bosom set on painting all summer, and I decided that was more of import than merely doing money. That undertaking was one of the best things I have of all time done. Sometimes I spent 10 hours a twenty-four hours at the school, standing on top of ladders and tabular arraies to make the country I was painting. I came home exhausted and ill from pigment exhausts about mundane, but I had the clip of my life. The undertaking was a immense success, and all of the kids were overjoyed to see Charlie Brown and Mickey Mouse semen to life one their schoolroom walls. Bing involved in that undertaking enabled me to run into fantastic, dedicated people, and it gave me the chance to heighten my artistic endowment. Most significantly, I helped do some pupils # 8217 ; instructions a small brighter and a small more interesting.